Gerald (Jerry) Gene Bennett
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After AHS I attended USC and received a Bachelor's degree in civil engineering in January of 1969. I married Melinda McNally (Norwalk HS) in April of 1971. I worked at the Department of the Los Angeles County Engineer (now Public Works) and Melinda worked for Supervisor James Hayes of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. We moved from Alhambra to Southwest Missouri in 1974. I retired from City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri in 2010 after 34 years of service in the Gas and Water departments.
We have two sons and one daughter. Our oldest son is a Navy chaplain, our second son is a financial analyst for a Dallas oil company, and our daughter is an anthropologist in Binghampton, NY, and Key West, FL. My wife and I manage a beef cow/calf operation in Laclede and Webster Counties in the Missouri Ozarks. The West Fork of the Osage River runs through our property providing a good habitat for wildlife (including eagles, bobcats, turkey, deer, and even an occasional cougar or bear) and for canoers, swimmers and party animals. Whippoorwills, owls and coyotes are often heard after sundown. Life is good. Hope you are all doing well. It was great to see you at the reunion. At night, when the snow is flying on the wind and its 10 below zero, I dream I'm back in Alhambra.Copyright © 2013 AHS64-Alumni. All rights reserved.