Marion Shirley Frisbie
Question Answer Your name Marion Shirley Hendricks Your name in school, if different Marion Frisbie always went by “Shirley” MSmith3279@aol.com Website or Facebook URL Shirley.Hendricks.50@facebook.com If you're bringing someone to the reunion, please describe your guest My husband Vance is coming with me to the reunion. He is a retired Pharmaceutical Rep. He attended Oregon State University, majoring in Marketing in 1972. Alhambra elementary school(s) attended None. Moved to Alhambra as a junior. Transferred from Barstow High School. Current occupation (e.g., retired, working full/part time, volunteering, caring for family, other) Retired February 2013, currently working on flower beds, doing some volunteer work. Caring for my husband, who is recovering from a seriously broken ankle. Describe your family/extended family I have two daughters. The oldest daughter has 4 children 1 girl and three boys. The granddaughter has three children 1 boy and two girls. The younger daughter has 16 year old twins. How have you gained knowledge or continued your education after high school? I attended Eastern Washington University 1977-1980. I attended during the summer also so that I could graduate as soon as possible. I got a Bachelor of Arts degree in Professional Accounting. When I divorced my husband in 1977, I moved and started college so that I would be able to support my children. What would like to share about your life's work? I took bookkeeping my junior year. I loved it. Since then, I knew I wanted to be an accountant. There’s something about the high you get when the numbers balance as they should. What special interests and/or activities have you enjoyed during the last half century? I participated in square dancing, played with grandkids, read books, crochet, learned to fire a pistol, and do target shooting. I am currently trying to learn to be crafty. I really don’t have an instinct for it but I want to learn. Please share the highlights of the places you've lived or traveled I moved to Washington State in 1969. Washington is great I Love it here. I traveled to Greece a few years ago. Driving in Greece is a real challenge, but the country is beautiful. I went to the World’s Fair in Vancouver, British Columbia, the fair was very interesting. We also took grandchildren to Disney World. What is your favorite AHS Memory? Meeting my best friend, Christine Jensen. Another one of my favorite memories was being in the tumbling movie, in Gym class. What are your favorite books or movies? I enjoy reading suspense novels, time travel stories, and self-help books. The Lake House is one of my favorite movies. What were your favorite songs or artists from 1960 to 1964. What genre of music and type of dance do you enjoy most? Peter, Paul, and Mary, Beatles, Beach Boys. I also enjoy country music. How do you spend your quality time? Gardening, reading, Typing recipes, spending time with family. In your life thus far, what stands out as most significant, growth-producing, moving, or heart-opening? Taking care of my mother her last two years. What matters most to you about the life you've lived? Helping family when possible. Being there, to listen, when someone needs to talk. I’m more of a listener than a talker. I always try to treat people as I would like to be treated. As you move forward into the future, what are your aspirations, hopes, dreams? I would like to do some traveling. I am compiling a cookbook of grandma’s favorite recipes. Doing volunteer work for the city where I live. What do you still hope to accomplish or experience? (What's left on your bucket list?) Taking a hot air balloon ride. Spending time in every state and seeing the points of interest in each. What else would you like to share about yourself? I had the same experience with a school counselor, telling me I wasn’t smart enough to go to college. (As I read in an article about a teacher, helping a student survive the same comment.) She put me in office prep classes, instead of college prep. It turned out all right for me in the long run because I loved bookkeeping and took accounting in college. Copyright © 2013 AHS64-Alumni. All rights reserved.