Nancy Hess
Name: Nancy Hess Kloek
AHS Name: Nancy Hess
Wow, 50 years. What a great ride. Chris (AHS 62) and I have been married for almost 45 years. We have 3 great kids, 10 grandkids, 1 granddaughter-in-law and 3 step grandkids. Most of them live here in beautiful Southern Oregon where we have been living for the last 21 years. Before that our kids grew up in Santa Barbara where we lived for 18 years.Our family loves the life style here including rafting, fishing, snowboarding, hunting, backpacking and more. The wildlife here in the city is also fun… well, maybe not the cougars, but they are shy.
After a long banking career and owning a Hallmark shop, I’m now retired and volunteer at our local hospital, Rogue Regional Medical Center, in the NICU, gift shop and as a Mended Hearts Visitor. I’ve survived 3 open heart surgeries over the last 37 years which qualifies me to visit, with Chris, heart patients so that they know there is life after heart surgery.
Much of our time is spent attending grandkids baseball, football, volleyball, musicals, dance recitals, awards ceremonies (one grandson recently attained the Eagle Scout rank) and helping with home schooling. Our son, a retired professional baseball player, is also an Eagle Scout. I also teach our granddaughters how to sew. One of them has entered 4H sewing competition and won in her age group as well as at our local county and state fairs.
We are very active in our church including a Life Group who helps elderly people, single mom’s and people with health problems. We do yard work, minor house repairs, installations and general cleanup for them.
I’m looking forward to seeing all of you at the reunion.
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