Diane Kelley

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AHS Name: Diane Kelley
Email: drkmagician@yahoo.com

I attended St. Thomas Elementary School. After graduating from Alhambra High School, I attended California State University at Los Angeles and obtained a BA and MA degree in Psychology. I then transferred to the University of Southern California, graduating with a MS and PhD in Psychology. At age 27, I set out to conquer the world, obtaining a position as a college counselor and professor at West Los Angeles Community College. I have taught classes at the University of Southern California, UCLA, Loyola Marymount University and California State University at Dominguez Hills. I am licensed as a Marriage Family and Child Counselor, Clinical Psychologist and Forensic Psychologist. I have been on several television programs, such as Good Morning America and heard on over 480 radio stations. I have had articles published in magazines such as Entrepreneur, Business Weekly and LA Magazine.

Currently, I have a private practice working with individuals dealing with anxiety, depression, relationship issues and life coaching. I am also an independent evaluator for the court system related to child custody and provide expert witness testimony. For more information on my practice, please visit my website at www.drdianekelley.com.

I will be bringing my husband of 33 years, Dr. Bruce Bauersfeld to the reunion. He is a veterinarian. Our love of animals has bonded us together.

15 years ago, I developed a love for performing magic. My venue is mental magic. One of my dogs is the psychic dog in my act. I perform at private parties, trade shows, street fairs and special events.

I enjoy laughing, so what better way than to become adept at comedy improv. I perform weekly on a semi pro team at ComedySportz in Hollywood.

Another interest that emotionally adds to my life is my love of animals. Six Bernese Mountain dogs currently own me. I love, show and breed them. For more information on my berners, please visit my website at www.magicberners.com. I have traveled extensively throughout Europe, Africa and Asia. The vacations have been for sightseeing and/or investigating Bernese Mountain dogs from different bloodlines.

I feel my life is full of excitement, joy and adventure.

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