Elizabeth Manzanares
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Question Answer Your name Elizabeth Bowers Your name in school, if different Elizabeth Manzanares bowerswest@aol.com Alhambra elementary school(s) attended Martha Baldwin Elementary School Current occupation (e.g., retired, working full/part time, volunteering, caring for family, other) Part-time instructor at Golden West College. I teach business communications. Describe your family/extended family Mike and I have two daughters, Becky and Katie. Both are married and have wonderful husbands. Becky and Steve live in Arizona with their four children. They are Michael, Donovan, Avery, and Caleb. Becky and Steve are cohosts of a radio show on Immaculate Heart Radio. In addition, Steve works at the Phoenix Diocese as Director of the Kino Institute. Katie and Quinn live in Indiana and have two children. They are Sydney and Ethan. Quinn works at the courthouse in Lawrenceburg, and Katie has her own MaryKay business and is an instructor for LA Fitness. How have you gained knowledge or continued your education after high school? I attended East Los Angeles Junior College and then attended Cal State LA, and finally attended UCI for graduate studies. I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in theater arts and figured I would be a big star. Since you haven’t seen my name on the marquee, that dream didn’t happen. I became a teacher and am still enjoying that journey. What would like to share about your life's work? My life’s work involved Mike and our daughters. I was a stay-at-home mom. Mike passed away in 2001 at LAX from a massive heart attack. We had met in a community theater play in 1971, and it was “love at first sight.” Mike had impressive credentials for acting. He had won a scholarship to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York, but turned it down. I am grateful because if he had accepted it, I wouldn’t have had the privilege of meeting and marrying this warm, compassionate, and loving man. He became an attorney but preferred teaching rather than practicing law. What special interests and/or activities have you enjoyed during the last half century? Last half century – ahhh – such a long time. Raising my children and spending time with Mike were my joys. I dabbled in some acting and dance classes, and Mike and I did the game show circuit. We won a couple of cars and a lifetime supply of Brown n Bags. I have just started taking piano lessons and reading – I should say listening to books on CD when I walk or run for exercise. I attempted three LA marathons and completed two -- upright. I spent the end of the third marathon on Mike’s back at mile 20 heading for the Denny’s restaurant. Needless to say that one took a toll on my feet and back. Please share the highlights of the places you've lived or traveled Up to last summer, I had only been to Arizona, Colorado, Indiana, and Florida. However, last summer I finally got to use my passport. I went on a pilgrimage with my church to Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. I also stopped at the airport in Amsterdam. It was a wonderful experience. I feel like I caught the travel bug and hope to visit more countries in the future. What is your favorite AHS Memory? My favorite memory is the part I played in the school play “Cheaper By the Dozen.” I had only a couple of words to say, but I loved performing. My second memory was cruising through Henry’s restaurant on Valley and eating those fries with gravy. What are your favorite books or movies? C.S. Lewis, John Grisham, David Baldacci, Michael Connelly, and James Patterson are my favorite authors. My favorite all time movies are It’s a Wonderful Life and The Princess Bride. I recently saw the movie When the Game Stands Tall. I will add that to my list. What were your favorite songs or artists from 1960 to 1964. What genre of music and type of dance do you enjoy most? The Beatles, Elvis Presley, and The Supremes. How do you spend your quality time? Walking or running, doing yoga, playing the piano, and spending time with family and friends. In your life thus far, what stands out as most significant, growth-producing, moving, or heart-opening? When I saw the words growth-producing in this item, I immediately thought of loss. Loss of parents and husband created voids in my life, and I was fortunate to have support from family and friends. Family and friends are my rocks in my life. Time spent with my daughters and my grandchildren is precious. It is also tiring, but I wouldn’t trade that time for anything. My friends are constant and their love and consideration are more appreciated than they could ever know. What matters most to you about the life you've lived? My children and grandchildren. As you move forward into the future, what are your aspirations, hopes, dreams? I hope to retire someday and travel more – maybe audition for the older lady parts in plays. Of course, spending time with those grandkids is a given. I think I might like to attempt one more marathon. That is a long shot, but I would like to try. Copyright © 2013 AHS64-Alumni. All rights reserved.