Patricia Ann Prouse
Name: Patricia Ann Prouse McKay
AHS Name: Patricia Ann Prouse
Who will you bring to the Reunion? I am bringing my husband Robert E McKay, a 1961 graduate of San Gabriel High School.
Elementary School: Northrup Elementary School.
Colleges attended: University of California at Santa Barbara, September 64 until June 68. North Idaho College, September 1982 until June 1991
Personal data: Bob and I were married October 24, 1969 in Granada Park, CA, at the United Methodist Church. We had 3 children. Our first child was Joshua born September 1970, next was our daughter Tricia in September 1971, and our third child Jennifer was born in June 1973. In October of that year we moved to Osburn Idaho. I was a stay at home mom and volunteered my time at the school, and at the church. I was a part-time student at North Idaho College from 1982 until 1991 majoring in computer science and accounting. In 1992 I was hired as the Office Manager for the United Methodist Church in Kellogg ID. In 1995, I resigned to provide daycare for my grandchildren, which I continued until 2012. My husband and I also spent 39 years rebuilding the family home.
Most significant moment: Although I was raised in a Christian home and attended church my faith weakened during my early college years. When I met and married my husband who was a faithful believer, I returned to church and found a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. HE has changed my heart over the past 44 years to be more pleasing to God. In pursuit of my life I have enjoyed worshiping, studying the bible, spending time with family and trying to be a better person.
Favorite AHS memory: Four years of friendships, fun activities, and an excellent education at Alhambra High.
Interests: Learning new things, reading and watching British mysteries, Fantasy and Sci-Fi fan including Harry Potter, Star Trek, Star Wars, Narnia, etc., gardening, going to movies, and traveling.
Hopes and dreams: Good health, more travel and family visits.
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