Thomas Wolfrum
Thomas Wolfrum
Email: twolfrum@wolfrumlaw.com
Website: www.wolfrumcfls.com
I wish my fellow AHS classmates the best of times. I am an enigma to most of our class as I attended AHS only our senior year because my father’s employment moved from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
I was very fortunate to become good friends with fellow AHS ’64 classmates Bob Rosecrans, Fred Talerico and Andy Weiss. The four of us had four of the best years of my life together at Cal State Los Angeles – academics, sports, same pledge class, student government – we had, as the Beach Boys sang, Fun, Fun, Fun.
After graduation I returned to northern California and attended law school. I have practiced law 42 years. My specialty is international business valuations and international parental kidnapping cases. The hallmark of my career has been helping people. My wife and I have been fortunate to travel most of the world for the past 20 years with professional colleagues who are also good friends. I have been very active raising money nationally for the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Foundation which funds programs that help child victims of domestic violence. I deeply enjoy helping people and hope to work and travel the world for a few more years.
In 1969 I married my college sweetheart, Kathleen Geldson (Temple City HS ’64). We have been married 45 years. We have worked together the last 30 years.
Kathy and I have two children, a 33 year old son who is an M.F.T. in Berkeley and a daughter who is a 37 year old lawyer with her own practice in Martinez (which also has an Alhambra High School). Suffice it to say for those who know, Kathy and I have done a lot of Hospice work.
I wish you all well. Kathy and I will be traveling during the AHS ’64 reunion. We are sharing a day later this month with Bob Rosecrans and his family. I have stayed active in reunion planning for what would have been my graduating class at Berkeley High and will attend that reunion.
I remember and think from time to time about many of you although we never met. I wish I had stepped forward to meet you for not knowing you is my loss.
With this note, for those of you who venture to the end of our class list, down to the Ws, my name on the AHS ’64 roll is hopefully no longer a mystery. I extend heartfelt thanks to our class and AHS for my year at AHS. May all your lives be filled with good times, good feelings, and good health.
Thomas WolfrumCopyright © 2013 AHS64-Alumni. All rights reserved.